Kashmiris, the beautiful people of Kashmir, a land filled with immense beauty and serenity by nature, have been suffering for the last six decades. Modern World has been vocal at violations of human rights globally but it is very painful to see their silence over Kashmir, where more than 100 thousand people have been killed in the last 19 years. This is an effort to educate and update the world on the Kashmir issue, its history and current developments.......

Friday, August 13, 2010

Ego or superiority in the region....why isnt India letting go Kashmir

Displaying posts 31 - 54 out of 54.
  • Shahid Bhat @ Rajesh...
    I am not blaming all Indians for what happened in gujarat or anywhere else....I was just trying to make a point to Max.......But indian government cannot wash off their hands so easily from all the things that have prevoiusly happened in india and the gross human right violations in kashmir in the last 63 years esp since 1989.............
    about a week ago · Delete Post
  • Irfan Ahmed Bhat i am very thankful to the views expressed by my brother rajesh pattanaik here , the views expressed by mr pulkit and ms snehankita are somewhat disturbing and in pretty bad humour
    @ pulkit tripathi u have to understand first of all that no one in Kashmir wants to join Pakistan. Pakistan might be a failed state impoverished and way behind India in many aspects . unfortunately even it has a better human rights record that India as far as minorities are concerned .
    secondly the growth of india is a good factor as long as u talk about capitalism. but unfortunately india's hyper growth is only at the cost of the poorest of the poor ( here too the below poverty line figure is way above Pakistan in terms of population)
    well i have to tell u this my friend if u are thinking that size does matter ( i hope u dont take this comment in its other meaning ) as India being a big country lemme enlighten your views.
    Hong Kong and Singapore are not even a dot on the map of the globe when compared to India but u will be surprised they are both far better economies than india ( and both have zero natural endowments ( resources ) not to mention the Asian tigers like Malaysia et al ( btw malaysia is a muslim majority state like brunie and the uae < if ur comments might mean that all muslim majority states are failed ones.
    kashmir compared to these places has many many natural resources available and is self sustainable.

    @ mr jaoquim kenneth . India has to let go of Kashmir for its own good one day or the other and a lot many more when it starts to disintegrate like the Erstwhile USSR . we should not forget that there are currently 17 conflict zones well within India, but it is a matter of time and we all shall know ( remember india as a single nation has a history of only 63 yrs, while as it not being one entity is hundreds of yrs )
    regarding Afghanistan being a failed state thanks to the power hungry Russians and the US it is currently in this state . the afghan's haven't entered into any country but have rather been invaded.
    @ snehankita . well i dont say that the Indians are mad---- just ignorant .u are right when u say first let go of Kashmir and then other states , it is bound to happen. And u are right agian when u say that u give a lot of importance to Kashmir, but u have to tell this to ur leaders at New Delhi. Ask them y have so much military and all sorts of ammo in Kashmir ( territories like the siachen glacier ( where there are not even any inhabitants ) ask them to stop wasting hard earned money that comes via taxes ( not many ppl in India pay honestly, unfortunately the black money might even be more than the GDP)
    on wrong positions and egoists thoughts and make it good for the people of India. The money that off course remains after filling their coffers ( too much corruption na)
    i feel for the blockade of the manipur highway. and yes Kashmir is not part of India in actual terms ( 23 resolutions in the united nations speak volumes about its status and so does the promise of a plebiscite by Mr J.L. Nehru the first PM of India. and yes u can stop NDTV to us it is more like a mouth piece of the govt of India bringing their puppets in Kashmir on the panels. and ignore the human tragedy in Kashmir .

    P.S whether Kashmir is independent or not for now is not an issue, what is important is that a solution in the interim is definitely required to stop the human tragedy.
    common good thinking Indians how would it feel if a mother cant decide to send her child to play confused whether (he/she) will return home or fall to an aimed or stray bullet that comes form the gun of forces of the so called biggest democracy in the world
    about a week ago · Report
  • Saddam Zaroo a very well shaped discussion...a must see for all indian's with any misconceptions about kashmir...ill keep up with it..for any questions or answers...
    about a week ago · Report
  • Rajesh Pattanaik @Irfan but don't u think these violence must end first......so that dialogue can be started...not with pakistan but with kashmiris .....and yes separation of kashmir will definitely start a chain reaction of separate country demand n may be violence all across India....so the process of separation should be through peaceful talk not through violence......
    about a week ago · Report
  • Shahid Bhat @ Rajesh...
    Definiely yes, the violence has to end but from both sides...u cannot expect people to be silent spectators when shot at and cane charged and beaten to death.....My point is why doesnt India allow Kashmiris to protest....what is the need for putting police and paramilitary forces on the roads and streets to stop them......much has happened in the last 50 days inthe valley, people are very angry over a host of reasons and they need a vent to blow off their anger...why not let them come out and protest....but the problem is Indian state does not want to give any politicla space to kashmiris and then we are left with no other option but violent protests.......and one more important thing.....strife in the last 23 years have taught kashmiris one very important thing which I hink all kashmiris here will agree with that.... It needs a bang to wake india up...
    about a week ago · Delete Post
  • Irfan Ahmed Bhat @rajesh---------
    dear rajesh no one in his right mind will ever support violence and i too do not approve of violence in any form now having said that who according to you is the major element in all this violence????? ok let me put it this way how do u expect a father of a nine year old to behave when the security forces BEAT his kid to death. How to u expect a brother to behave when his teenage sister is shot in the head just because she comes on the road to look for his brother amid violence. how do u expect a father do behave whose dead son's body is canned and kicked .
    i cannot think of a rational answer. i cannot make myself think that after witnessing such events one can think with a very rational mind and not vent his/her anger.
    to further clarify do u remember when 4 youth were shot dead in sopore the DIG CRPF came up with an explanation that they were TRYING to set ablaze a police vehicle and were out of control. Ironically on the same day MCD employees were protesting in dlehi and SET ABLAZE four police vehicles HOW MANY OF THESE UNRULY PROTESTORS WERE SHOT ?????????????????
    about a week ago · Report
  • Jayaram Ramakrishnan What these people forget is they came scurrying to us when Pak attacked in 1947 under guise of Tribal invasion. Had J.Nehru not gone to UN our forces would have completed restoration of entire Kashmir & POK would never have materialised. And for all those AZADI dreamers beware PAK will never tolerate an indep Kashmir. The marginalisation of Shabir ahmeds & amanullahs & rise of Hafez, Saludins & Maood azhar should point the dreadful scheme of things to come if Kashmir is handed indep. Also it would become a nightmare to the INdian security apparatus. And if these elements take ctrl friends u cannot be writing this bullshit on Facebook.
    about a week ago · Report
  • Shahid Bhat @ jayaram......I think you would defintely have heard the phrase.."little knowledge is dangerous"...you need to learn a bit about the history of kashmir and what happened in 1947.....Well to begin with kashmiris never asked India for help and secondly it was not an attack by pakistani tibals as is propagated....Have you heard about poonch rebels....I dont think so......I cant really give you take a whole tutorial here but what I can do is give you a link....an indian webpage, not a kashmiri or a paki page, which will help you learn in detail about kashmir in a chronological order.........


    You will have a lot of your questions answered with all the info on this page and if you still cant get it, that would mean you deliberately don't want to get it......
    Lastly hafiz syeds, salahudins and others have only risen because Kashmir has remained unresolved....when Kashmir is resolved INshaAllah there would be no need for any hafiz or salahudin.......it will bring a new era of peace not only for Kashmir but for India and PAkistan as well........
    about a week ago · Delete Post
  • Alessia Degano I am a little afraid of taking part in this discussion, standing as i am on the other part of the world, and having no knowledge enough of the facts in a precise historical vision nor justified by a personal experience (apart from that of sharing thoughts and closeness to my Kashmiri friends).
    But i'm ashamed enough of the ignorance of what's going on in Kashmir the media in my country kindly grants me, and i'm tired enough to verify day after day more how much nothing counts more than some interest or comfort to be preserved against any fundamental human right and, most of all, human respect.
    It scares me to consider how easily minds can be diverted, confused, deluded by contrasting issues concerning any topic. No wonder why misinformation is one of the most effective strategies - used since eones - to turn Difference into a trouble, rather than a richness (as in fact is). According to this point, the truth always has two faces.
    What has a unique side instead is the fact there is no scope for violence, bleeding nor death in a reality where we stand in front of each other as human beings. A reality in which every one has the freedom to be who he is... with no gun pointed to his head, nor held in his hand.

    about a week ago · Report
  • Shahid Bhat @ Alessia.....Very well said....It is most unfortunate that global media is controlled and owned by a very small group of people who decide what should be presented to people as trutha nd what not...what should be made to look important and what not....what should be made to look dangerous and what not.......These are the people who have changed media from being a free and fair source of information to a money minting machine that has become mouth pieces of governements or organisations who are of interest to this elite group.This group not only helps governments and sometimes others to lobby and campaign around the world but also chooses for them what to say where and how.......Unfortunately Kashmir resolution is of least importance to that elite group and its unresolved status might be a lot more important for them...A resolved kashmir dispute means better relations between Indo Pak which in turn means lesser spending on military hardware and a more stable and strong South Asia. A resolved Kashmir means no cries of jihad from many Muslims in the region which in turn means a lot more attention to the war in Afghanistan which US is losing rapidly. With Kashmir being the way it is, they not only have the prospect of doing great business with their owned media whether in India or Pakistan, which seems to be on war footing just like their armies, even though it is owned by the same elite in both the countries, they also make sure both the countries remain dependent on them for a awful lot of things.......and the politicians in both the countries are making money by the minute and saoking in the glory of their fortunes and their public's misfortune.....
    last Saturday · Delete Post
  • Jayaram Ramakrishnan OH what an intelligent argument. We are not so naive MR Bhat. Do u believe the Deobandis & Wahabis will stop when Kashmir issue is resolved by gv independence. NO that is not bound to happen. INstead it would give a boost to their twisted ideology. They would consider it a victory for their ideology & stary targeting another part orf the country like Junagadh or Hyderabad. Ther is only one way to treat this cancer & that is to uproot it from its roots. If u Kashmiris are with us in this we would be happy if agst us them too we shall do it & u will bw treated as enemies. For us Kashmir is part of a larger problem & one of the last bastions agst ISLAMIC TERROR.
    last Saturday · Report
  • Shahid Bhat @Jayaram......First of all there are no deobandis and Wahabbis in Kashmir, second of all stop propagating the RSS line and make kashmir which is purely a political problem into a religious one and finally you are not here to discuss or debate the Kashmir issue but to point out a RSS bajrangi agenda.......You are welcome to ask any questions regarding the strife in kashmir or to post your views on the topic, not to propagate RSS idealogy....u can keep that to yourself and lastly as advised before start reading some history
    last Saturday · Delete Post
  • Banerjee Avik Why separetist Kashmirer r not contesting election , n come to power peacefully ?
    last Saturday · Report
  • Shahid Bhat @ Banerjee......
    First of all people in kashmir are not fighting for a change in government and if anyone form the separatist camp participate in elections they would be condemned by the general public and would meet the same fate as mainstream parties meet now.....The problem is India has kept its masses ignorant and misinformed about the factual situation in kashmir, It is not a fight to come to power but it is a fight to get our basic rights which were guaranteed by the UN in 23 resolutions passed by it and agreed by India and Pakistan.......which says that Kashmiris should decide for themselves through a fair plebiscite held under UN what they want.......this right has been denied to us for 63 long years and nothing has been done to adress the aspirations of Kashmiris. In turn India has tried to kill this sentiment by force and by installing puppet regimes of Abdullahs and Muftis in kashmir who more so represent delhi in srinagar rather than representing srinagar in delhi. There is a complete alieantion as far as public in kashmir is considered and no one trusts anyone from delhi or their representatives in kashmir.

    Secondly and most importantly, the birth of the present day struggle which came into being in 1989 was after seperatists did try to participate in elections and vouch for Kashmir in the indian parliament. In the elections of 1987/88 separatists took part in assembly elections under the banner of MUF and took Kashmir by storm, fearing it would lose its puppets in kashmir, delhi rigged the elections and declared NC the winner after which kashmiris lost all hopes of a Kashmir solution through this process and took to guns instead.......after 20 years of military fighting it has given rise to a new style of fighting for our basuc rights which you see now on the streets of the valley.Peace in kashmir will not return unless india sincerely admits to kashmir being a dispute and talks to all the parties concerned which includes Kashmiris for a final and long lasting olution to the issue. It is time for India to come out of self denial and educate indian public, civil societies and the politicians regarding the actual situation in kashmir and address the issue head on rather than running away from it.......after all it is a matter of millions of kashmiris and their right to existence.....
    last Saturday · Delete Post
  • Banerjee Avik India is afraid of another separation, n leaders r apprehansive of d violence after ward.
    Millions of kashmirers are every where in India n doing resonably well,what'll happen to them.? India does not want a repeatation of 1947 .
    Now Who r Kashmirsrs ??????
    What is the defination ???
    last Saturday · Report
  • Alessia Degano @ Shahid ... Thank you for your reply to my post. It's indeed a pleasure to try and understand better the situation as it really is by your words.
    The most interesting point in what you wrote is that it seems through out the world we share a common vision, or if you prefer an implicit knowledge, about this small group of people "playing chess" with normal people's lives to increase their power feeling, bank accounts and who knows what else.
    Now what i am wondering about is: will we ever be able to turn globalisation from a simple economic factor into a social awakening? 'Cause you see, we'll keep on being puppets in the hands of someone else if we don't ever stop, start thinking... and become aware.
    last Sunday · Report
  • Irfan Ahmed Bhat @jayaram
    well u seem to talk much about Islamic terror and i can say without a figment of doubt that u must be a Representative of a newly emerged word called saffron terror. what ever and how ever u might want to refer to Kashmir it does not take away the fact that the entire world refers to Kashmir ( as Indian adminsteerd Kashmir ) and not as an Indian state as u are trying to convey. with the little knowledge and sheer arrogance that u have i suggest that u look at the map of India particularly and arunanchal pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir in the rest of the world it is clearly mentioned as disputed territory . i cant tell u what is going to happen to Kashmir in the near future but i can assure u in the distant future it shall be a free entity as many other states in India the day china decides to take arunanchal pradesh india would be doomed after all it has been moving by a few kilometers every year into what u might define as Indian territory and India can only deny it and not even accept the fact that china is doing so though all the Indian media channels have been talking about it after all in front of the Chinese India is nothing but a non entity that it the can strike at will, the question now is when do they decide it and let me tell u for sure that u will have to build a lot many lavatories that day cos all the Indian armed forces can do in front of the Chinese is pee in their pants lol
    last Sunday · Report
  • Jayaram Ramakrishnan Mr IRFAN pls be careful of ur language. While castigating individuals like me is fine & shows ur immaturity one cannot tolerate villification of the Nations Armed forces. People of ur ilk who do not even have the guts to show ur full profile in facebook dare not talk about the Indian Armed forces which unlike the PAK or the CHINESE is a one of the FINEST PROFESSIONAL ARMIES in the world. As someone who has visited the Border Chinese posts with China I can vouch for the fact that our forces are respected by their Chinese counterparts.
    And now why are u relying upon Chinese help for ur own nefarious actions. Better that u people try becoming a bit more self reliant rather than depending on Chinese & Paki help
    As far as Saffron terror goes pls note "A HINDU CAN NEVER BECOME A TERRORIST". Is there a single instance of a HIndu taking up arms fighting for secession from the country on Religious grounds any wheree across the World. The saints & savants conquered the World thru their High words & deeds(Eg SWAMI VIVEKANANDA) unlike people of ur ilk
    last Sunday · Report
  • Muzammil Waseem @snehankita ...Dont hurt sentiments of kashmiri people with these comments...you should go through the history of kashmir then write comments...you should read this....http://www.kashmir-information.com/chronology.html
    last Sunday · Report
  • Shahid Bhat @Jayaram.......The problem with you is that you can anything and everything about kashmir and kashmiris, Islam and the muslims and still call yourself a proud secular indian, while as we in kashmir and minorities in India are very well aware of the pseudo secularism and pseudo democracy of India.........people who didnt even spare unborn foetuses in Gujarat were not terrorists they were saints according to you and people who have killed more than a hundred thousand men women and children in kashmir are Demi Gods.......and how professional and respected are your defense forces was exposed when Canada denied visa to them on the basis of their profession and I m sure you know what they called them......
    on Sunday · Delete Post
  • Banerjee Avik @Bhat, @Jayaram,
    We all know India is not perfect ,it is a big country with so many diverse people.
    By codeming others we reach nowhere.
    We may stop calling names n respect others view points.
    Religions n country created by men only,
    Those who preaches love n unity r remembered.
    Do not devide people.
    on Sunday · Report
  • Saurabh Bhatia Hey all !! I am just a student and no interest in politics. I just want to say whatever happening in Kashmir is bad, watever happening in India is bad. Marathi's wants separate land, states like Mizoram, Manipur. nagaland want separate land, kashmiri wants separate land .... wow .... everyone want separate land ...@Irfan @Banerjee @Bhat @Jayaram @Waseem and others violence, blood, killings is common in India because here we don't respect people life. No commoin man like protesting or killings, we just want peacfull life but some politicians for their existence spread these protests and all..... I just request to all that stop isulting each other... this life is too short for love so hatred has no place... yaaron jeeyo aur jeene do... this life comes once so enjoy to full and give respect and take respect ... bye all ... God Bless all !!
    on Sunday · Report
  • Banerjee Avik @Saurabh ,most of Indians r like you. they live n let live. ...
    Everywhere discontents.... As if a separate land 'll solve all problems...
    n everyone 'll become PM/CM n Lord... ???
    BSF/CRPF r also human ,they r from poor families n doing duties.
    on Sunday · Report
  • Shahid Bhat After a brief lull in the valley, indian in-security forces were on a killing spree yet again killing four innocent unarmed protesters and injuring well over 150.......and we are being told to live and let live......it is very easy to comment things like that from the comforts of your cozy bedrooms........For a while only see things from perspective of a kashmiri mother who has lost a son, a kashmiri father who has not been able to provide food for his children, a kashmiri brother who has not been able to provide a environment to his sister where she can go out without any fear, a kashmiri sister who is always at the doorstep waiting and praying that her brothers return home safe.......Be a Kashmiri just for a while and you will see how much has life changed for us...............
    10 minutes ago · Edit Post · Delete Post

Ego or superiority in the region....why isnt India letting go Kashmir

Shahid Bhat India, the country that took Kashmir to the UN in 1948. PT Nehru the Indian PM of that time promised kashmiris their right to determine their own future. Resolutions passed by the UN asking for plebiscite in Kashmir,probably the only resolutions which was unanimously passed and accepted by all the concerned countries (ind-Pak). Then what is it that has hampered the implementation of these resolutions for the last six decades inspite of Indian governments from time to time being aware of the popular sentiment in kashmir.How long will India hold Kashmir and Kashmiris by the neck.Can India afford a democratic label and put it to shame in kashmir both at the same time......

Harsh Patel no elected gov has asked fr freedom of kashmir if u hv guts dn fight elections d lone sepratist who fought election in 2009 lost it proves u dnt hve support of majority of ppl jst few sepratist funded by pak is indulged paid goons are throwing stones at crpf firing their camps then hw cn u expect them 2 keep restrain i hv been der last mnrhs i knw its jst wish of handfull of ppl commanman wants peace nd conduct der tourist buisness nd i dnt thnk ppl vl visit kashmir if its part of pakistan

  • Irfan Ahmed Bhat well it just seems that kashmir is destined to have a situation that it is in. lets have a lil peek at its history . it all started right from the british they sold us to a non state subject and they got control over our destiny and future. the only good thing that the maharaja did at his departure was the only service he rendered to the kashmiris by not signing the instrument of accession along with the nizam of hydrabad .
    then we have only but ppl from own motherland to blame they british sold us only once but our own ppl time and again.
    first the abdullah's ( who are currently also doing it ) then we got the bakshi's the afzal beigh's the muftis and a few more i cant recall.
    the recent among them to play with the sentiments of the common ppl with a failed effort sajad lone god knows who will be the next in line to yet again sell his motherland.
    look at the press conf of omar abdullah he knew well enough that taking dangerous actions will have serious repercussions. like he gave the example of ppl setting the police station on fire and then the security forces reacting only that he presented a twisted tale. was he not aware or just trying to pretend that the mob set the police station ablaze after a teenager was shot in the head from point blank range now who is playing with the law in the first place the security forces or the protesters, now by calling in the rapid action force what does he want to convey (after acknowledging) that kashmir situation is grim. that he is willing to kill more people and that is the best option there is left to him . what does he mean by if curfew is defied . does he not know that it has already been defied from the last 52 days . ironically he also mentioned that lesser ppl have been killed than 2008 . what does he want to match the record or better it ?
    what will these unthinking soulless ppl do to please their masters at newdelhi . and how long will new delhi stop acknowledging the facts about kashmir and stop lying to a billion indians about kashmir
    about a week ago · Report
  • Shahid Bhat @ harish....governments in kashmir are selected rather than elected.....open your eyes and mind for just a while..tens of thousands of people out on the roads defying curfew ready to dia cant be paid agents from across the border, they can only be people with a genuine demand and cause......You can be a patriotic indian but that does not mean you have to justify or fall in line with the wrongs india does patriotism is not above humanity which is overlooked everytime an indian talks about kashmir...why this prejudice.....ask yourself this question and you may get an answer.You are not to be blamed one hundred percent coz it is the media that has potrayed a very different image of kashmir, kashmiris and the issues to indians and outside world....but you can use logic and reasoning and get your answers.....you may have to stop thinking from the prism of an indian only and start thinking from the prism of ahuman ..
    about a week ago · Delete Post
  • Rather Sultan Kashmir was/is/will never be a part of india. . . . Its the indian politicians who are befooling their followers over the kashmir issue. . . . .So that they can visit the kashmir and then go back and get maximum vote bank.. .Common people of india don't understand this and fall in the trap of politicians.. . . . . .The common people of india don't realise that who killed Gandhi. . . . . .If they'll realise then the time is near when kashmir will get freedom from indian OCCUPATION
    about a week ago · Report
  • Banerjee Avik We r no expert of Jammu n Kashmir, some questions..
    1) Can Jammu n Kashmir along with Pak n China occupied land will survive independently?
    Pakisthan attacked earlier only India save it.
    2) Will this region merged with Pakisthan or Chaina.?
    3)Will it be a Muslim country like Pakisthan ?
    4) Who'll be responsible for minorities in rest of India,from Kerala to Assam.?
    5)What will happen to the minorities of Jammu n Kashmir, Ladhak etc?
    6) Why the elected Govt of Jammu n Kashmir r unable to control this violence.?
    about a week ago · Report
  • Max Ivanovich Nobody wants to share the sorry state of Kashmiri Pandits in here
    about a week ago · Report
  • Shahid Bhat @banerjee.....answers to ur questions
    1.why not, we have plenty or resources to not only survive but prosper as an independent nation....pls come out of this notion that kashmir cannot survive independently.....this is just propaganda........
    2.Why do we need merger with any other country???
    3.First of all Pakistan is not a muslim country.....it does not become so just because it labels itself as islamic republic.........And secondly what will be the constitution of kashmir will only be decided when it is in that position.
    4.What about minorities in India.......how are kashmiris responsible for minorities in India.....stop blackmailing kashmiris as if the rest of muslims in india are hostage to the current situation in kashmir
    5.Minorities in kashmir are and will always be protected. we have a lot better record than india when it comes to minorities and their rights....
    6.because it is not a elected government but a selected one...selected by people sitting in delhi.......
    about a week ago · Delete Post
  • Banerjee Avik Mr Bhat ,
    1) That'll be land locked place no port.,only tourist earning can not support such population.?
    2) you are going to snatch Pak n China occupied portion from them ?
    3) How you 'll defend against Pakistan or China aggression ?
    4) Agreed , India should have done more for minorities..u'll take back the Pandits I presume.
    Pl consider all aspect before you jump. Not other way.
    about a week ago · Report
  • Malik Ryan yesterday i was watching former general on ndtv hindi saying if india had to put kashmir free than why we fought wars with pakistan,if they had to free it,it should have been done before.what is that ?that is simply ego.they were not having problem with having kashmir free if they would not had made sarifices(army),but now they have a problem that is of ego.
    about a week ago · Report
  • Banerjee Avik @Rayan, India is a democracy thats why an former army man can speak like that.
    People like me some time may think why not ?
    It appeares ,after Afganistan ,Pakistan now Kashmir.
    No solution in near future.
    See LTTE. IRA,
    More blood shed..Conflects...
    about a week ago · Report
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    about a week ago
  • Shahid Bhat @ banerjee
    1. There are so many countries landlocked without a port....that does not mean they are not sovereign......all central Asian, central African and central American countries......why only tourism....you are forgetting our biggest resource, water and hydro power......
    2.We dont need to snatch...in case UN resolutions are implemented, pakistan will have to withdraw from what is called Azad kashmir and gilgit baltistan
    3.We dont have any threats from china and Pakistan is not in a position to launch an attack on kashmir.
    4.Of course we will...we never drove them out in the first place.....it was delhi which drove them out through their kingpin Mr. Jagmohan...pandits are and will remain kashmiris.....
    and finally its not us who are jumping...we are only asking indian civil society to find out the facts before they jump the gun......
    about a week ago · Delete Post
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    about a week ago
  • Banerjee Avik Thanks @ Bhat saheb... I propose you start a site where we can understand your viewpoints... Most of us r ill informed .All papers r unclear .
    As we can not go there our self.We only see the half truths.
    about a week ago · Report
  • Malik Ryan we r ready to give as many sacrifices as many needed by our mother land.we r nt demanding pak we wan 2 b free . acc to indians bhagat singh was freedom fighter,he looted govt. property (kakori kand.....that was govt. thing at that time) and thousands of people on streets here in kashmir are hooligans.
    about a week ago · Report
  • Shahid Bhat @ banerjee...
    Thanx for understanding.....I know what picture is being put by media and the central government......The only reason I started this topic is to clear misconceptions and misunderstandings and educate Indians about the real issue.....Hopefully will not be kicked out........I wish more and more Indians join in and debate and discuss rather than
    abusing and swearing......
    about a week ago · Delete Post
  • Banerjee Avik All separation r very pain full, We only know the friendly Kashmiri Shawl walla visit us once in a year(WB).He is very disturbed about Kashmir.
    He does not know whom to believe.He does not like to be attached to Pakistan.
    He wants peace n no violence .
    about a week ago · Report
  • Shahid Bhat @ banerjee........We all want peace and no voilence.....but it is our demand for right to live that is taking our lives......how unfortunate is that
    about a week ago · Delete Post
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    about a week ago
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    about a week ago
  • Samir Sk india wants to show their power to the world that how they kill unarmed youth in kashmir...all of us know that india has no need of kashmiris it needs only kashmir.but we will not let them to get sucess in thier vixen mission........we will fight till the last drop of blood.....i protest....do u?
    about a week ago · Report
  • Max Ivanovich India needs Kashmir. Does anyone of you know what happens if you are a minority in Pakistan? All the non Muslims are going to be butchered without doubt and so will be the case if Kashmir is given freedom. The holy shrines will be nothing but a dream for the Hindus. If a single Muslim is killed by the security forces, all the Muslims complain. But they don't have a single word to say when Mumbai is attacked or about the Bhopal tragedy. They didn't have a single word to say when they looted and raped the Pandits who are indeed the original inhabitants of the region.

    India has been accepting religions ever since its history. They are the only country to do so. And if somebody has a problem now, its their fault. No country would have stood and watched their own country men being murdered by terrorists like what was happening ten years ago in Kashmir. If it had happened in Israel or in the USA, we would have wiped Pakistan off from the map. Kashmir needs India more than India needs Kashmir else its going to end up like any other wasted Islamic republic.
    about a week ago · Report
  • Rajesh Pattanaik India should let go Kashmir.....Freedom is their right.......and if that wll finish the hatred between two country n the terrorist problem n the man n money wasted for war.....
    about a week ago · Report
  • Shahid Bhat @max.....
    Do you know what happens to minorities in Pakistan, because we dont and we are not interested in knowing.....we are not discussing Pakistan here.......but yes we do know what happens to minorities in India...we do still remember Gujarat and Orrisa.......
    And as far as kashmiris pandits are concerned please check back your stats and sources, there may have been some gruesome acts against pandits but it is marginal when compared against atrocities faced by kashmiris still in kashmir.....a total of 217 pandits were killed as against a official figure of 68000 kashmiri muslims, which human right organistaions put at over 93000......
    Actually your post did not deserve a reply since it was not in line with the topic but I only posted a reply to your post because whatever you have posted may actually misinform other people about things that have never happened in kashmir.
    about a week ago · Delete Post
  • Banerjee Avik It appears ,
    India standing in front of two doors,
    obviously trying to decide which one to enter.
    A sign above the first door said 'Damned if you do'
    The other said " Damned if you do not"
    about a week ago · Report
  • Rajesh Pattanaik @shahid....im frm Orissa n sorry for what happened to minorities .......u can't blame India for fault of few extremist....
    about a week ago · Report
  • Joaquim Kenneth Barbosa India should never give up Kashmir, see what division of Pakistan has done and you don't want to have Afghanistan on your doorstep. I think the muslims in Kashmir are better of in India or they will be a failed state like Pakistan
    about a week ago · Report
  • Pulkit Tripathi Yeah INDIA should let KASHMIR go for PAKISTAN.....Huuuuuuuuuuuu So What is PAKISTAN a Failed STATE with POVERTY . POORNESS , HUNGER, LACK OF INFRA , WAY BEHIND INDIA IN ALL SECTOR yaaaaaa........ oooh WAIT U WANT AZADI GREAT..................U KASHMIRIANS never learn what INDIA has GIVEN to u...U are CRYING BABY'S
    about a week ago · Report
  • Snehankita Tripathi Common are we Indian mad..first let the go Kashmir and later on we have to allow other state to follow Kashmir...we really give so much importance to Kashmir..I think media don't have any other news..You people have not given any importance to the Manipur situation and you are debating Kashmir issue every day..Kashmir is not India It's a part of India..They have to live like any other Indian..Please just stop.NDTV.we are sick of Kashmir issue
    about a week ago · Report

Monday, July 14, 2008

saga of sacrifices.....

Many struggles preceded the epochal uprising of 1931 and many have followed it, all were rooted in religio-cultural ethos of Kashmir, says Dr Sheikh Showkat Hussain
Ever since Kashmir was sold by Britishers to Maharaja Ghulab Singh, Kashmiris never digested this sale. Soon after the deal was executed, people of Kashmir fought valiantly against the army of Maharaja Ghulab Singh and defeated it. The battle took place near Sheikh Bagh under the leadership of Imam-ud-Din, the last governor of Sikh rule. Dogra army retreated and for several months and Kashmir remained free from foreign rule. The Kashmiris who were martyred in this resistance were buried at Shaheed Gunj, previously known as Maidanpora. The army of Maharaja Ghulab Singh could control Kashmir only with the help of British army after several months. The resistance was followed by the rebellion of Poonch. Those who rebelled over there were skinned alive. This marked the second stage of resistance to alien rule. The third stage of resistance is represented by the Shawl weavers. The Shawl weavers staged a protest outside the house of Raj Kak Dhar against excessive taxation on 29 April of 1865. Raj Kak Dhar ordered a police action against unarmed weavers. Twenty eight weavers died as a result of police action. This marked the third stage of resistance against dynastic rule of Maharaja Ghulab Singh and his progeny. In 1925, the workers of Silk factory rose in revolt against Hari Singh. All these stages of resistance remained localized and fizzled out after sometime. The incidents however transmitted the spirit of resistance to new generations. What makes 1931 important is that the resistance this time was not localised. It was state-wide. It started from Jammu against the sacrilege of Quran by sepoys of Hari Singh, culminated in Srinagar in the form of massive protests. The protests remained confined for sometime to demand of action against those who were involved in sacrilege. Then a strange voice echoed to give a direction to it. It was voice of Abdul Qadeer, a disciple of Jamaal-ud-Din Afghani and an adherent of his ideology of pan-Islamism. He had come to Kashmir in the garb of a cook. He asked people to address the root cause of their desperation and subjugation. He perceived it was the despotic rule of Hari Singh which had rendered them helpless and subjected them to indignation with respect to their faith. His words catalyzed transformation of society. Abdul Qadeer was detained. People protested against his detention and wanted the trial to be open. Despotic rulers didn’t tolerate this demand. They subjected the demonstrators to indiscriminate firing. So many were martyred and others injured. The injured and the dead were taken in procession to Jamia Masjid. One of the injured whispered before his death, “We have completed our mission, now it is your duty to carry it forward.”
These words of the martyr keep on echoing within hearts and-- minds of Kashmiris. They have become custodians of an aspiration, transmitting it from one generation to another. There were attempts to betray this aspiration in past as well as at present, leaders became corrupt. Instead of pursuing the struggle, they made compromises for the sake of power, prestige and wealth but masses have shown time and again that they remain and will continue to remain the custodians of this aspiration. Dogra rule came to an end with controversial accession of the state to Indian union. The accession was supposed to be endorsed by people of the state through internationally supervised plebiscite. Instead of seeking endorsement of accession through plebiscite, Indian union proceeded with establishment of a scandalous constituent assembly having seventy three members out of seventy five elected without contest. Sheikh Abdullah, the architect of accession, was put behind the bars after being sacked in 1953. The constituent assembly was made to endorse the accession. Large scale development works initiated during the tenure of Bakshi Ghulam Mohammad to dilute the sense of alienation. Along with large scale development, mobilization of Kashmiris for status quo was sought through cultural carnivals organized in the name of Jashn-e-Kashmir. For a while Kashmir seemed to be on the path of integration with Indian union. Reality of this estimation got exposed in 1963. Holy Relic of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) was stolen from the shrine of Hazratbal. Within no time Kashmir erupted like a volcano. Everyone blamed the central government for the sacrilege of the holy shrine. Even Nehru realized that Kashmir is linked to India with “a half spun thread”. Secession in Kashmir shed its dormancy and became manifest everywhere. From 1990 onwards every day in Kashmir has been a day of martyrdom. Hundred thousand people have followed the path of 1931 martyrs. During the tenure of Ghulam Nabi Azad, Indian state was again overtaken by an illusion of Kashmiris abandoning the path of martyrs. It launched a ‘crusade of development’. This was supplemented by carnivals and music festivals. These festivals had an aroma of Pakistani participation. Pakistan government too seemed to be indifferent to Kashmiri aspirations. For Indian establishment the Kashmir problem was over. The only thing needed was to flood it with yatris and tourists. For this purpose, Amarnath Shrine Board was constituted. The board headed by the Governor-General, pursued for making settlements in the name of yatra. Provoked by land transfer to Shrine Board, Kashmir again became mobile in June. For two weeks Kashmir experienced unprecedented mass mobilization. Every child, woman and man was on streets tearing apart everything that symbolized Indian Union, hoisting green flags on every street, daring security agencies with stones and lathis. The coercion of draconian laws, the counter insurgency operations, the developmental crusades and music festivals, everything failed to make Kashmiris reconcile with the status quo. This uprising depicts the truth that aspirations are non negotiable irrespective of what so called realities demand. The march of martyrdom continues with everyday, with every month, with every year and Kashmiris keep on paying tributes to the martyrs of 1931. Every time they rise in revolt, the issues which catalyze rebellion remain religious. Every time they get mobilized, the colour which they use for depiction for their aspiration remains the favorite color of their Prophet (SAW) and dome of his eternal abode. Leaders may keep on changing their colours, but masses have shown their choice again and again. By changing colours the leaders became irrelevant but aspiration continues to echo in every village, every town and every city of Kashmir. Of late, Kashmiris have made it clear that they will keep on resisting irrespective of attitude of their supporters elsewhere. Like leaders of Kashmir, leaders of supporting countries may be guided by expediencies of geopolitics, Kashmiris have are determined to change the geopolitics the way Algerians, Afghans, Iranians and Vietnamese did. Kashmiris remain guided only by their determination to achieve freedom and mould their destiny in accordance with their religio-cultural ethos.

source: The Daily Etalaat; Dr.sheikh showkat hussain