Kashmiris, the beautiful people of Kashmir, a land filled with immense beauty and serenity by nature, have been suffering for the last six decades. Modern World has been vocal at violations of human rights globally but it is very painful to see their silence over Kashmir, where more than 100 thousand people have been killed in the last 19 years. This is an effort to educate and update the world on the Kashmir issue, its history and current developments.......

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

brief history.......contd

The 1965 war ends in a cease fire and the Tashkent declaration is signed in 1966 asking the two countries to revert to pre 1965 position. The same year Amanullah Khan and Maqbool Bhat form the Jammu and Kashmir National liberation front. In 1968 Maqbool Bhat is arrested and sentenced to death, but manages to escape and flees to Azad Kashmir. 3 years later in 1971 an indian passenger plane en route from srinagar to delhi is hijacked and take to lahore. The plane is blown up after the passengers are disembarked. The same year India sends its troops to East Pakistan to help rebels in a popular uprising against Pakistan and Bangladesh is born. After the cease fire, Simla agreement is signed in 1972 which states that India and Pakistan would settle all pending issues through bilateral dialogue. In 1974 Mirza Afzal Beg on behalf of Abdullah signs the Kashmir accord with the government of India which reiterates Kashmir's special status inside Indian union. Maqbool Bhat is arrested in 1976 on his return from Azad Kashmir and Ammanulah Khan moves to UK. Jammu kashmir National Liberation Front becomes JKLF. Sporadic clashes take place between the Indian And Pakistani armies at siachen glacier in 1984. 3 years later in 1987 elections take place in kashmir. It is the birth year of Muslim United Front, an amalgam of different anti indian political parties. MUF challenged the puppet government of NC in the polls. Kashmiris young and old are seen throwing enthusiasm and support behind the MUF. The Indian Government is worried and NC is declared winner after massive rigging during polls. This has been the turning point in the history of Kashmir, from their peaceful struggle from 1947 to the elections in 1987. It was after these elections that a common kashmiri realised that his wishes and aspirations had no respect for the ruling NC and the Government of India. This was the year Kashmiri youth after feeling betrayed by the peaceful and constitutional means opted for armed struggle........to be contd

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